Welcome to project thirteen
Although the name project thirteen may not sound familiar to many, the followers of death or glory will have seen my car several times.
So what is project thirteen?
4 years ago I decided that I could not wait any longer and I had to buy my first drift car. My mind was made up long before the shopping started, it had to be a uk spec Nissan 200SX S13 with the original 1.8 I was very stubborn about that. I viewed several cars and settled on a rusted out silver s13 in a state of disrepair and that is where project 13 began.
Now anyone into cars know that owning a drift car can be expensive but my big aim was to keep cost down and do everything myself to this car (when I type this i see how unrealistic that sounds).
The first year of owning a drift car was by far the hardest of all for me, most of my time and money was spent on repairs and keeping the car road legal.
My plan to go drifting was put on hold after turbo failure and a large crash (no streeto involved rusty camber arm let down the team). On the verge of giving up on my dreams of drifting another drifter reminded me that goals are only targets and are most definitely flexible so just take my time and do it when I feel ready not when everyone else tells me (I still stand by this today as one of the best bits of advice I have ever been given relating to drifting.)
Over the next year I spent most nights and weekend changing my car or adjusting things to make the car better and after several cosmetic looks I had started to engage full hover craft aero, but more importantly with a spur of the moment decision I loaded up my car with spares rang a friend and headed to Teesside Autodrome…
Well its fair to say that my first drift day didn’t go great, I couldn’t link the track and I crashed! All of that aside there was one moment that really reminded me why i loved drifting so much, as I went full throttle at the first corner I looked up the bank to see a kid and his dad cheering for me as I nailed the corner it was at that point I felt like a hero for the weekend…
Since that drift day I have attended 4 more events and after every drift day my car undergoes more changes so that I can achieve more and on my last drift day i braved the infamous south bank.
Up until this point I have managed to complete this journey doing all the work my self and on a realistic budget. Over the coming months I will try to share tricks and tips to do it on a budget but truthfully the key is to do it yourself and if you don’t know how to now is a good time to learn.
So that is a small intro to PROJECT THIRTEEN it’s more than a car it’s the journey it’s taking me on, if you want to see some videos of my journey so far check out my YouTube channel.
Keep an eye on the blog for more updates
PHOTO CREDIT: Robert Johnston, Andy’s arty auto images and last of all me